What is SPF anyway ?
What is SPF? SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor…. no rocket science there. There are two types of ” sun screen”, Physical and chemical. You have all seen the heavy globs of white stuff on a life guards face, that would be an example of physical sun screen, usually a zinc based product. If you want to get technical, a hat, umbrella or palm tree would probably fit in this category as well. The Chemical Types of sun screens are where most of the confusion is found. Chemical sun screens work by either reelecting or absorbing the ultra violet light from sun light. SPF is a rough gauge on the amount of ultra violet light that is blocked. If you are out in the sun with no sunscreen on for one hour, you will get approximately the same amount of sun as a person with SPF 30 would get in 30 hours. When you asking What is SPF and are looking for sunscreen stay away from the ridiculously high numbers. Sunscreens only block UV rays. It does nothing to protect your skin from the brown spots and aging affects of the sun, so if you feel you really need an SPF 5000, just throw on a hat, maybe mix in a shirt for a few hours, your skin will thank you later.
Most sunscreens are pretty safe and interchangeable, however there are a few things to look out for. We recommend staying away from sunscreens that contain OZYBENZONE as it can cause problems with allergies and has been associated with an increased problem with hormones. Another bad actor to stay away from RETINYL PALMITATE. Lab tests show a connection with lesions and tumors when exposed to sun light. Not a problem if you only wear sunscreen after dark. Lastly the use of spray on and powder sunscreens should be done with care. breathing that stuff into your nasal passages is a big no no no. We hope this helps and if you need more, let us know.