Black Sand Beach, Hawaiian style

Black Sand Beach, Hawaiian style

When it comes to the magical, tropical paradise of Hawaii, there is no end to sites that are a must-see. One of my favorite places to visit is a little, out of the way black sand beach on the big island. Kehena Beach is a small out of the way black-sand beach that is loads of fun for those who have a bit of an adventurous side. Located on the southeastern end of the island of Hawaii, Kehena Beach is a hidden beach that takes a climb down a rather unwelcoming rocky trail. I’m not saying this climb is terribly difficult, but it is more than some might find comfortable. Once on the beach, you will find a beautiful black sand beach backed by a thin line of trees butting up against a rugged 40-foot-high cliff. Secluded and exotic is great, but that is only part of the adventure of Kehena Beach. Our great little gem of a beach, it turns out is a gathering for the rather sizable local Hippie community. Another little fact is that because of its seclusion, optional clothing is the rule of the beach. Although technically not allowed, the beach was occupied by a full range of textiles from none to fully clothed. Imagine a Kum Ba Yah, tropical, clothing-optional Ren fair. We walked down the beach a bit, taking in the sights. A bikini-clad girl doing yoga poses on a fallen palm tree trunk and a long-haired guy strumming a guitar while seeming to make no attempt to play a song were along our path. We laid out our towels on the striking black sand near two topless girls with dreadlocks who were sitting facing each other cross-legged playing hand pans. Not far past the hand pan girls was the ubiquitous small circle of guys playing hacky sack. We settled in and enjoyed the carnival atmosphere and got used to the heavy wafts of cannabis smoke that was quite noticeable. The spectacular setting and relaxed, secluded, free-spirited atmosphere made for an unforgettable afternoon. On the downside, the sand, although black was a little coarse and the surf was a little rough. That said, Kehena Beach is a relaxing clothing-optional beach with stunning black sand that definitely rewards the adventure among you.


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