Sailing the beauty of the The Grenadines
If the idea of being on the deck of a sailing vessel , propelled only by the warm tropical trade winds sound perfect for you, you need to Sailing Grenadine. One of the most picturesque places to sail the friendly seas are the Grenadines. Over 30 islands spread out through the West Indies not far north of South America, the waters of the Grenadines has attracted intrepid sailors for 500 years. Today the waters allow for peaceful non crowded trips from island to beautiful island. With top notch destination ports like Port Elizabeth and Bequia you will find great excursions and be able to resupply for the next leg of your journey. If you have only dreamed of that once in a lifetime sailing adventure, you need to get to The Grenadines and experience one of the worlds most beautiful sails.
If the idea of being on the deck of a sailing vessel , propelled only by the warm tropical trade winds sound perfect for you, you need to Sailing Grenadine. One of the most picturesque places to sail the friendly seas are the Grenadines. Over 30 islands spread out through the West Indies not far north of South America, the waters of the Grenadines has attracted intrepid sailors for 500 years. Today the waters allow for peaceful non crowded trips from island to beautiful island. With top notch destination ports like Port Elizabeth and Bequia you will find great excursions and be able to resupply for the next leg of your journey. If you have only dreamed of that once in a lifetime sailing adventure, you need to get to The Grenadines and experience one of the worlds most beautiful sails.
Because Sailing Grenadine is such a popular destination for sailors of all skill levels from around the world, if is important that when you plan your Sailing adventures in Grenadine that you do your homework. From local rules and regulations to regional currents and weather conditions, you need to be prepared and not put yourself or other boaters in danger. If you are not a well seasoned sailor it would probably be a good idea to rent a boat that suits your need and comes with its very own professional captain. This will allow you to focus on all of the other thing to do on a boat. When Sailing Grenadine with your scantily clad deck ornaments and taking dives into the crystal clear water for snorkeling and even spear fishing for your dinner, having to worry about pending weather fronts or finding a reef the hard way can detract from the fun.
The best sailing in the world, Sailing Grenadine.
Because Sailing Grenadine is such a popular destination for sailors of all skill levels from around the world, if is important that when you plan your Sailing adventures in Grenadine that you do your homework. From local rules and regulations to regional currents and weather conditions, you need to be prepared and not put yourself or other boaters in danger. If you are not a well seasoned sailor it would probably be a good idea to rent a boat that suits your need and comes with its very own professional captain. This will allow you to focus on all of the other thing to do on a boat. When Sailing Grenadine with your scantily clad deck ornaments and taking dives into the crystal clear water for snorkeling and even spear fishing for your dinner, having to worry about pending weather fronts or finding a reef the hard way can detract from the fun.
The best sailing in the world, Sailing Grenadine.