Versatile Tiki Cocktail Recipe, The Malibu Wipeout

Versatile Tiki Cocktail Recipe, The Malibu Wipeout

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Ok kids, here is a must have for your Tiki Rolodex. The Malibu Wipeout really has it all for anyone looking for that go-to, easy-to-make, versatile tropical drink. In the almost infinite number of combinations of liquors, liqueurs, mixers and juices, Tiki culture is one that can swing from the most precise and traditional recipes
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What is the smallest Caribbean island , we say Saba

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If you were wondering, What is the smallest Caribbean island then you will find out the answer is the beautiful of Saba. The tiny little gem of an island is only about 5 Square miles in area and the island is dominated by the currently inactive volcanic Mt. Scenery, talk about a well named place. As
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What is Pisco ?

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Many people have been asking What is Pisco recently. The answer is, it is one of the hot new liquires that the Tiki culture is embracing. New may be a bit of a stretch as Pisco has be the preferred drink in Peru and Chile for centuries. Back, oh lets say 500 years or so, the
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