Tropical Cocktails explained

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In the world of mixology, Tropical Cocktails hold a high position indeed. From the Grand Daddy of Tequila drinks, The Margarita, to the long list of classic Tiki Bar drinks, we will try to shed some light on the subject. The tropics have long been a rich source of adventure and travel, not to mention
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Sweet Poison  tropical cocktail

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Another easy to make tropical cocktail that is as yummy as it is dangerous. The sweet poison tropical cocktail is, like its name would imply, deadly…. deadly good that is. Share one with a friend, or maybe an enemy…. (insert evil laugh here) sweet poison tropical cocktail 2 oz. Coconut Rum 1 oz. Light rum
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What is Grog ?

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Grog, few things fit as neatly into the pantheon of Classic Tiki Culture as the question, What is grog ? The history of Grog, and there is quite a history goes way back to to August 21 1740. On that day Vice Admiral Edward Vernon of the Royal Navy decreed it was good and should
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Key West, Snorkelers Paradise

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It would be hard to find a true beach love who, even if they haven’t been there is in love with the Florida Keys. This long curving strand of small islands, starting at Key Largo and ending 90 miles from Cube at Key West has a well deserved reputation as a tropical paradise. Of all
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